
Here are some quotes that I have made personally. They belong to me, so please don’t call them your own.


A laugh can only make a person happy for a minute, but if you want them to be happy for life, then listen to them and make them feel special.

-R. J. Webb

You can be smart, and people will like you. You can be silly, and people will like you. You can be shy, and people will like you. But people won’t like you if you don’t own a heart.

-R. J. Webb

You never have to be plugged into a wall. You don’t need any batteries to power your body. You only need one thing, a heart.

-R. J. Webb

A scar is like a sin. So, don’t hurt others, unless you want to show your mistakes.

-R. J. Webb

We all pick our different ledges and we all have non identical howls. We walk unlike paths of life, one we choose how to use . That’s what makes us special.

-R. J. Webb

We might live in unlike countries and walk on different land, but if you truly think about it, we are all people wanting to survive this world. Just like you.

-R. J. Webb

We’re all just people, walking on different land.

-R. J. Webb

There is no better camera you can find, other than your eyes. So capture every moment.

-R. J. Webb

No matter how hard you try, you can’t make it yesterday. So, stop worrying then and later, and focus on now.

-R. J. Webb

I always want to run into the night, but I’m always too afraid of what’s lurking in the dark.

-R. J. Webb

Trust yourself, believe in your guts, and follow your heart.

-R. J. Webb

Everytime a wave hits, the tide continues to move.

-R. J. Webb

Just because every time the wind howls, doesn’t mean it’s gonna to bring a storm.

-R. J. Webb

She might get knocked down, or have been slapped by words, but everytime she gets back up after every fall.

-R. J. Webb

She might be a shy girl on the skin, but she has the heart of a warrior.

-R. J. Webb

Everyone has a breaking point, unless you never bend.

-R. J. Webb

Jump into the unknown, let the world fill your soul and the sight fill your heart. Breath in the beauty. You wander, but never lose track of where you’ve been.

-R. J. Webb

You can feel, but you aren’t fully sure until you know.

-R. J. Webb

Life is not a privilege, it’s a gift. Accept it.

-R. J. Webb

Everytime someone says cancer, I hear can cure.

-R. J. Webb

There is no wrong answer to the riddle of love.

-R. J. Webb

No matter how hard we try, we can’t erase our scars, but we do have a choice in whether they define us or not.

-R. J. Webb

Never stop fighting even when someone knocks the weapon out of your hands.

-R. J. Webb

Experiences are what shape us, but practice is what makes us better.

-R. J. Webb

Sometimes time is the best thing you can give to a person.

-R. J. Webb

A true family is better than all the riches in the world.

-R. J. Webb

Pain is a common sickness, Depression is a rare illness, but sadness is a contagious disease.

-R. J. Webb

If you fear everything, you will never truly live.

-R. J. Webb