Living The Teenage Life

Most younger kids look up to their older siblings, wishing they could do all the “cool” things that they do. The truth is kids, what you’re thinking is probably not what the actual reality of it is. Being a teenager can be difficult. Most of us wish we were your age again or that we could which lives with you just for a day. The reality of a teenager is hard.


Make sure you don’t forget to turn in that math paper that’s due today, and to go to track after school, then we also are going over to our grandparents for dinner. Also don’t forget to do your homework and the laundry will need to be done when you get home. Oh, and your probably stinky from track so don’t forget to take a shower and get plenty of rest, so you have the energy to do it all over again. Wait a minute, don’t you also have a science test tomorrow? Teenagers are pressured with their everyday lives. From completing one thing, they have to almost immediately work on the next.

Or if you have a car, you probably have a job. So now you have to somehow squeeze your job into the schedule.

You’re At That Stage

When you turn 13 your at that age where you are growing or do not want to watch kids shows any more, but you don’t get a solid answer when you want to go watch that new PG-13 rated movie. You get an answer like, “I need to talk about it with your father” or “I need to make sure it’s appropriate for you.”

Or you are at that stage in your teenage years where you can have a job, but no one can take you and you can’t drive yet. You can’t find any good jobs online or one that is close enough for you to walk. You want to make money for your future, but you can’t find a solution.

Busy, Busy, Busy

You ask your friends if they would like to hang out. You wait excitedly for them to answer. Your phone buzzes. You grab it and turn it on. Your excitement and your happy mood slips. Your friend can’t hang out with you or come over because she has to go to church that day. You understand and tell her to not feel bad. I mean what else do you tell her? You can’t really do anything about that.

Now, your friend asks if you can stay the night this weekend, but you promised your grandmother you would help her with her garage sale. Now you have to be the one who is the busy bee. You have you explain why you can’t. Even though your friend understands, you still feel bad for shooting her idea down.

You Have To Deal With Your Siblings

Your friends want to FaceTime you and work on a hobby you both do, but your younger sister comes in and asks if she can do something with you. Even though you don’t want to tell her that you already told your friend that you can help her on the project, but you have to. She probably runs off upset. You feel bad, but you know if you had started something with her first you would of had to tell your friend you couldn’t. Instead, your siblings think that you are choosing your friends over them, but that’s not the case.

Free Babysitter

Can’t choose your hours, can’t choose the day, can’t choose the time. Only your parents can choose for you to watch your siblings and you don’t get paid to do it. You have plans? Too bad your parents plans become before yours.

Teenager Years Aren’t All That Bad

Even though there are a lot of negatives to being a teenager, you still make fun memories that you won’t forget and life long friends. You start doing exciting things like driving, getting a job, and even going to prom! Teenage years can be the hardest years of your life, but they can also be the most cherished memories you’ll never make again. Live life to the fullest and do the things you want before you can’t. Be who you want and don’t be the fake. Love life, Love everyday, Love yourself. Enjoy the years, make the memories. Don’t hold off on things, instead take the action. Make your teenage years shape you into an amazing person and inspire you to do what you want to do in the future. Teenage years matter and so do you. Be in the moment, make the memories, and take the chance. Be how, be who, just be you.