Coronavirus Fear

Schools shutting down across the globe. A pandemic searching for their next victim. People panic, living in the fear of what will happen next.

Chaos has swept across the world. People are scared. People are dying. But we should not fear this, we shall fight it. We’ve dealt with wars before. This is simply a battle between the human race and a disease. We will get through this.

The world is made up of strong people who do not back down when the going gets tough. We need to be patient. We need to be resilient. We need to be helpful to one another. We need to do whatever we have in our power to help, rather than point fingers.

Rather than sticking to the saying, when in fear, blame, we should say when in fear, inspire. We should inspire others that we can get through this. We should inspire others to hold hope. We should inspire others to inspire more.

Is this a hard time for the world? Yes, it is. Should we fear this time? No, we shouldn’t. We shall learn from it. We shall rise stronger upon it. We shall not let the fear control us.

If we let the fear control us, we will make irrational actions. Actions we may never forget. Actions we may regret. So how about we turn the tables? How about we control the fear rather than let the fear control us.

This outbreak will not stop us. We are strong. We are wise. We are the great people of this world. Not only that, but this is our world and we should do everything we can to protect it.

The coronavirus will not wipe us clean of the human population. The coronavirus will not be the cause of human blame and panic. The only thing the coronavirus does…is scare. It’s a mental thing that we can overcome, that we can fight back. In our heads, we come up with hundreds of situations that could go wrong. Most of which may not even occur.

So, whoever you are, wherever you are, do your part because…it’s time to hold strong. This pandemic will not take over the world. This pandemic will come to an end.