Happy Endings

It seems like we do so much for others, that we forget about our personal wants and needs. We lie about our happiness. Saying I’m fine is doing nothing to find that happiness that we all deeply desire. The average person lies 4 times a day and the most common lie is I’m fine. 

We think that in this world there is no happy ending. That when we die, we just fall off a cliff, being pushed by our greatest enemy, and greatest fears. We think that we will never do what we want, be what we want, have what we want because of the longing pain and failures and rejections and abuse that has held us back.

The truth is…you can have a happy ending, you just need to believe and gain the mindset that you can do anything, everything is possible at your actions. No one can control your life, or who you are. They can try, but they will fail.

Your life isn’t changing until you force that change upon it. Be the change. Work for the change. Strive for the change. You need to stop worrying about how to solve others problems. They have their own to deal with. You need to focus on you, on your success.

Happiness is like food that we all crave. It is essential to the human survival. Without happiness, what are we? Without happiness we feel nothing. Happiness is the glue that literally holds us together, that literally helps, happiness literally makes us feel like our greatest dreams and desires and wants are possible to reach, to get, and to have.

Happy endings aren’t just in fairytales, they are put into everyday lives. Your happy ending is your journey. So pick your path. Stick to your path. There will be a mountain in your path, there may be many. You’ll get tired of climbing them, but after you climb over the peak of that last one, the effort will be worth everything because you’ll finally reach your destination.

You’ll finally have…your happy ending.